As much as INTJs are seen as controlling, they ultimately desire freedom, independence, and autonomy. One can argue that the dictatorial and communist regimes worldwide
Category: intj personality traits

Rejection is one of the emotions INTJs feel the deepest. Google defines rejection as “The dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.” Rejection can

For every upside in life, there is a downside. And for every strength that a personality type possesses, there is a weakness. While INTJs are

INTJs are often referred to as masterminds and strategists. They have an uncanny way of looking into the future and planning accordingly. Not necessarily a

For many, the thought of introverts protecting upstanding citizens from bad guys sounds preposterous. After all, weren’t they the ones being bullied and pushed around

In life, we all will experience some level of grief and emotional trauma, whether it is a loss of a relationship, disease, or death. Contrary

There is a cadre of people who claim to be fearless. They celebrate not fearing people, animals, uncertainty, or even hopelessness. I have always found

It has been said that all stereotypes have some aspect of truth attached to them. And if we’re honest, if stereotypes are positive, we don’t

French philosopher Albert Camus famously said that our lives are the sum of our choices. Do you believe it? It’s easy to dismiss Camus’ statement