In life, for every upside, there is a downside. And nothing is all good or bad.
Personality types are no different.
For those who regale being an INTJ, because of their rarity, masterminding, and strategizing abilities, there must be an embracing of the nervous anxiety, insecurity, and dark side that plague many INTJs, particularly turbulent INTJs.
So, are INTJs blessings or curses on society?
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a curse as “A cause of great harm or misfortune; to call upon divine or supernatural power to send injury upon, and to bring great evil upon.”
It may sound far-fetch to believe INTJs have mystical powers versus other personality types.
However, it is often said that all stereotypes have some truth attached to them. And the villainous characterizations of INTJs have to be considered.
Can INTJs be curses on society?
INTJs can be curses on society when their natural congeniality has been abused, and they must regain a sense of justice and self-respect through sinister means.
So, if INTJs become curses on society, society has cast the first stone.
Emanuel DeSoto, in his article, The INTJ’s Revenge: “I Won’t Sue You… I’ll Ruin You,” said:
Every personality type has gifts and defense mechanisms, which they can utilize to dismantle an opponent or safeguard themselves in times of crisis.
Their (INTJ) calculating mind can be pretty sinister when their moral code has been violated. However, they rarely initiate “scorched earth” responses unless others have become their nemesis.
INTJs are highly protective and become extremely angry when a loved one, or their livelihood has been in peril. Because of their high intellectualism, they will seek clandestine and covert ways of exacting revenge.
Based on their modus operandi, INTJs discover the offending party’s weaknesses, habits, and quirks and use those traits against them.
Additionally, the more dangerous society becomes, the more treacherous INTJs might become to balance the forces of good and evil.

This is evident in the 1984 New York Subway shooting. On December 22, 1984, introverted Bernhard Goetz shot four young men on a New York City Subway train in Manhattan after they allegedly tried to rob him.
Reportedly, three years prior, Goetz was robbed by three young men while transporting computer equipment. In this melee, Goetz helped an off-duty police officer subdue one of the assailants as the other two got away.
The arrested perpetrator was reportedly charged with criminal mischief for ripping Goetz’s jacket.
The failure of the judicial system to adequately punish his assailant angered Goetz.
After this incident, Goetz attempted to obtain a gun permit because he regularly carried large sums of money and expensive computer equipment as the owner of an electronics business.
After being denied a firearm permit, Goetz began carrying a gun illegally leading up to the 1984 subway shooting of the four young men.
After two trials, Goetz was convicted of carrying an unlicensed firearm and served eight months of a one-year sentence.
Goetz proved to be a polarizing figure. On the one hand, he was viewed as a lawless vigilante. On the other hand, he was a symbol of justice and a cry for citizens to protect themselves when crime becomes out of control.
Given the opportunity, how many INTJs would have acted similarly?
Although Goetz is reported to be an ISTP personality type, many mistook him for an INTJ.
What Do INTJs Fear the Most?
I write in the article, What Do INTJs Fear the Most? that:
Fear seems a natural response for survival in a world filled with ticking time bombs.
For INTJ personality types, fear has been constant and ever-present due to their hypersensitivity to people and potential danger.
It has been said that bravery is experiencing fear and still following through with appropriate action.
Enlightened INTJs use fear as an alert system for life’s minefields.
Because INTJs have experienced fear throughout their lives from dominant personalities, they gained a sense of power through their academic and intellectual prowess.
Consequently, INTJs came to fear failure and the loss of independence the most.
Achievement and self-reliance have always been the saving grace for INTJs. It is the two life forces that they can depend on.
In response to the vengeful nature of INTJs, writer Frank Halloran in his article, Why Are INTJs Dangerous? said:
…To say that INTJs are predestined for sociopathy would be a stretch. Such notions by these introverts stem from their hypersensitivity and desire to discover justice in an unjust world. Often, INTJs are merely reacting to actors who violate their moral code.
INTJs are dangerous because they live quietly within a set moral imperative enforced and protected.
Their constitution has been vetted through extensive research and anecdotal experiences.
They are dangerous because they believe hard work should be rewarded with respect and reverence.
In their minds, they have invested time and energy in formulating a process, creating a mental infrastructure, and documenting their work that reflects their critical analysis for problem-solving.
Halloran also talked about many INTJs having a God Complex, which bodes well with the idea of values being essential for human growth and survival.
Halloran said:
Many INTJs may have a God Complex because the closest thing to creating reality in one’s image germinates from extreme ambition.
Only a God-like figure can create new realities. And INTJs are mini-gods.
Some characteristics of a God Complex are:
- An insatiable desire for control and independence.
- A belief that high intellect is a conduit for enlightenment.
- Outstanding contributions stem from one’s imagination and actualize through execution.
- Vanity is a motivator for physical excellence.
- A lack of self-discipline is the enemy of intellectual creativity.
In this context, being an INTJ can be a burden and a curse.
To be sensitive to the forces of justice correlated with fair play and an insatiable desire to create value in the world is a tremendous responsibility.
Often, the villainous nature of INTJs stems from caring too much.
And this care brings about self-initiated responsibility and accountability.
If INTJs are curses on society, it is because they know what is required to have a community that many people say they want but are unwilling to put in the effort.
Perhaps Batman is a legitimate avatar of INTJs by which they are both loved and hated. They are valued for their accomplishments and hated because they are better than most in their intentions.
Are INTJs blessings or curses on society? You decide.
—Sean Michaels

Bernard Goetz “Subway Vigilante” Personality Type, MBTI. (n.d.). Personality List. Retrieved from:
1984 New York City Subway Shooting. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved from: