INTJs are often villainous in their mental hardwiring and propensity for diabolical acts.
However, to say that INTJs are predestined for sociopathy would be a stretch.
Such notions by these introverts stem from their hypersensitivity and desire to discover justice in an unjust world.
Often, INTJs are merely reacting to actors who violate their moral code.
INTJs are dangerous because they live quietly within a set moral imperative that is enforced and protected.
Their constitution has been vetted through extensive research and anecdotal experiences.
Writer Andrew Ward said,
What may drive others crazy is one of an INTJs strongest characteristics. They take pride in possessing a strong, pragmatic approach to life, but it comes with a downside. While most of the world jumps for what they want, an INTJ takes their time—deciding if it fits their fickle standards (para. 14).
The general public criticizes these fickle standards because they appear robotic and impractical.
Many would say, “Who can live like that?”
Those who could never imagine living a life of extreme self-discipline and asceticism would be the question asked.
And that is why INTJs are comfortable pushing back against transgressions.
They are dangerous because they believe hard work should be rewarded with respect and reverence.
In their minds, they have invested time and energy in formulating a process, creating a mental infrastructure, and documenting their work that reflects their critical analysis for problem-solving.
And to allow laggards, amateurs, and neophytes to trample on their intellectual masterpieces is blasphemous.
Do INTJs have a God Complex?
INTJs become their temples in a literal and metaphorical sense.
INTJs have been accused of possessing a “God Complex.”
Psychologist Pierrette Desrosiers said, “A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility….”
Many INTJs may have a God Complex because the closest thing to creating reality in one’s image germinates from extreme ambition.
Only a God-like figure can create new realities. And INTJs are mini-gods.
Some characteristics of a God Complex are:
- An insatiable desire for control and independence.
- A belief that high intellect is a conduit for enlightenment.
- Outstanding contributions stem from one’s imagination and actualize through execution.
- Vanity is a motivator for physical excellence.
- A lack of self-discipline is the enemy of intellectual creativity.
As gods, INTJs are not megalomaniacs because their good works are to build, not to destroy civilization.
And destroying another’s good works is cause for retribution.

This is best represented in Ayn Rand’s book, The Fountainhead.
In the movie adaptation, architect Howard Roark, played by Gary Cooper, dynamites and destroys an apartment complex that he designed after investors altered the blueprint of his creation.
The one stipulation in Roark’s work was that the designs should not be altered. The blueprint had to be followed exactly as Roark delineated.
He destroyed the building as an act of justice when no legal recourse was available to him.
In this vein, author and philosopher Ayn Rand suggested that an individual’s creation is a God-given right bestowed upon all people to do as they see fit.
To steal, alter, or destroy another’s work is worthy of extreme justice.
INTJs do not take the concept of the creative mini-god lightly.
This is their religion.
And science and theology support their premise as co-creators.
So, why are INTJs dangerous again?
They are the rarest personality types that would use their sensitivity and high intellect to observe the world objectively.
And, in turn, create a set of personal constitutions that address the best practices for dealing with inhabitants of the world.
Finally, they serve as guardians and enforcers for violations of this moral code.
INTJs create a world within a world.
And they live by the tenets they create and find it perplexing that others don’t think or live the same way.
The general population might find it dangerous that a subset of personality types is hardwired and dedicated to saving the world, not out of a sense of altruism but for their serenity and tranquility.
These are the lengths INTJs are willing to go for inner peace.
And the world is a better place as a result.
—Frank Halloran

Desrosiers, P. (2015, Sept. 2). Guide HR: ‘Is he suffering from the god complex?’. Country Guide. Retrieved from:
Ward, A. (2014, Oct. 28). 10 great things about being INTJ. Thought Catalog. Retrieved from: