The world will become more divided, mistrustful, and unstable in the coming years.
Some studies suggest frayed democratic institutions and media manipulation will escalate in the next ten years.
Experts at the Pew Research Center asked several analysts for their thoughts about civilization’s future.
A respondent, Laura Sallstrom, an international public policy analyst, wrote:
…Democratic institutions and the mechanisms that support them are most at risk. I do not see a clear way out of the problem of disinformation and misinformation in technology platforms. When video can be manipulated, and you can’t even believe what your own eyes show you to be true, what hope do you have that actual facts will support democratic decision-making?…
Author Emily Segal in her article, “What will the next decade bring? Here are 20 predictions from trend forecasters,” said:
Perhaps unsurprisingly, global uncertainty has led to a boom in escapism, and all signs point to this continuing strongly into the next decade. Fantasy can and will take various forms, including long-form immersive gaming experiences, ketamine’s recreational popularity, and new acceptance as a clinical treatment, and increasing commercial emphasis on the worlds of young adult literature and its spin-offs across media.
Despite the dystopic challenges society faces in the future, there are opportunities that strategic introverts can benefit from.
The Walden University website lists five traits that will serve introverts in the future, which include:
- Creativity-The ability to formulate solutions through critical thinking.
- Academic performance-A propensity for intellectual and scholarly endeavors.
- Health-An inclination to take diet and exercise seriously.
- Business Success-A disposition towards satisfying market needs.
- Leadership—Often possess the temperament to accept diverse points of view.
Although introverts are poised to excel during times of crisis, they still must develop the necessary skills to weather any storms.
As an introvert who has flourished academically, it would be years later that I realized the value of self-directed education. Although I have a college degree, my skill-building initiatives allowed me to succeed outside of my college major (There are few jobs geared to Political Science majors who don’t complete law school.)
For example, I enjoyed writing books and developing skill-based curricula before I knew that creating intellectual property could be a business.
Digital books took off 20 years after I began writing them online. Unfortunately, I was too early before Amazon would make electronic books popular and part of how people digest information daily.
Fortunately, developing the skills to write research papers, create websites, and execute the rudiments of social media allowed me to build intellectual property systems from ideation to distribution.
No one could have guessed 25 years ago what skills you need to compete in today’s marketplace.
As a result, once you develop relevant skills, you can thrive no matter what’s happening in society.
Mastering these seven valuable skills will help strategic introverts succeed now and in the future.

The American Academy of Advanced Thinking defines Strategic Thinking as “The mental process of positioning oneself to achieve an objective.”
The seven valuable skills every strategic introvert needs to master are:
Advanced strategic thinking skills
People with dominant personalities will always attempt to direct the course of society. They will consistently promote popular yet untested ideas as a means of influencing the minds of others.
Strategic introverts must develop advanced thinking skills that will allow them to outmaneuver and outperform dominant personalities.
Developing advanced strategic thinking skills requires learning about historical figures who discussed human nature’s dark side, such as Niccolò Machiavelli, Carl Jung, and Ayn Rand. Additionally, learning how to use critical thinking models that systematize one’s thinking is vital when many citizens lack strong educational backgrounds due to the escalating cost of a college education.
Self-defense skills
When individuals are unprepared for a changing society, they become predators to more innovative and successful individuals. The dystopic aspects of culture appear dire for people with limited skills.
Quiet energy will always be seen as a weakness because it’s non-threatening and poses no harm. Strategic introverts must change that narrative through self-protection. As a result, they must learn self-defense techniques to protect themselves from social predators.
Self-reliance and resilience skills
Many extroverts look for ways to overcome the objections of others. You are deemed ineffective if you take “no” for an answer.
However, something is to be said for not needing to ask others for approval or permission. Rejection is a sign that someone has control over something you desire. Giving someone that level of control is a gap that must be filled. Self-containment and self-reliance mean that the things you need are minimal and attainable without others needing to supply them.
And when someone rejects you, you can close the gap and rebound from the exchange.
Creating value and differentiation are great goals for strategic introverts to become self-reliant in attaining power.
Creating intellectual property skills
Because we are in the Knowledge Age, we consistently seek information that solves our problems and helps us make better decisions.
Consequently, strategic introverts as problem-solvers should create articles, books, podcasts, software, and videos that are market-driven and solution-based.
Strategic introverts who become thought leaders in specialized areas are sought-after to help guide people from self-created problems.
Social media marketing skills
The social media giants today may not be around tomorrow, but others will take their place. The skills to navigate social media platforms will always be needed.
Strategic introverts must master their social media skills because these platforms allow them to express ideas that they could not do in the recent past.
Social media platforms are the essential places where intellectual property is housed, showcased, and consumed.
These platforms allow strategic introverts to create monetary value from their insights and observations.
Economic spending skills
Strategic introverts must master the skills to do a lot with fewer resources. The concepts of frugality and minimalism provide strategic introverts an advantage because conspicuous consumption will continue to be necessary to dominant personalities.
Materialism feeds the fear and insecurities of individuals seeking public approval.
Strategic introverts who live small but produce exceptionally are the overwhelming winners.
Relationship building skills
Identity politics and the expansion of streaming services show that people have opted to support like-minded individuals and align with their groups.
Fear and uncertainty exacerbate such notions by which strategic introverts are no different.
Consequently, strategic introverts must build relationship skills to align with like-minded individuals. The idea of aligning with people who do not share your aspirations, goals, and values never made sense and was a way to force introverts to be subjugated by extroverts.
The real value of relationships is the ability for all parties to get their self-interested needs met under mutually beneficial terms.
The year 2032 will be here before you know it.
Strategic introverts who prepare for the inevitable will be ahead of the game.
Now is the time to master the skills for succeeding in a changing world that will be run by those most adaptable to progress.
—Mark Warner

Five benefits of being an introvert. (n.d.). Walden University. Retrieved from:
Segal, E. (2021, Feb. 15). What will the next decade bring? Here are 20 predictions from trend forecasters. The Guardian. Retrieved from:
Vogels, E., Rainie, L., and Anderson, J. (2020, June 30). The innovation these experts predict by 2030. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from: