It has been said that intuition is merely distilled experience. In other words, we can reasonably predict the future by looking at history, psychology, sociology, and economics.
In his seminal book, “The Art of What Works: How Success Really Happens,” Dr. William Duggan argues that whatever was successful in the past can be successful in the future with some tweaking and modifications.
Historically, the basis for innovative breakthroughs has been a prototype that has been improved.
Jobs in the future will require individuals with a great degree of intellectual curiosity and critical thinking skills to thrive.
INTJ personality types can be the vanguard for these intellectual breakthroughs and educational pursuits based on their ability to solve problems and spot patterns.
These skills bode well with the outlook of soft skills required for a future marketplace.
According to Maryna Zavyiboroda, writer for HR Forecast, the soft skills needed in the future are as follows:
- Problem-solving
- Negotiations and reasoning
- Critical thinking
- Time management
- Resilience
- Leadership and social influence
INTJs are hardwired to match these required skills.
A Personality Club article titled “The INTJ in the Workplace” said:
To an INTJ, the best workplace allows them to work alone. There’s nothing this type hates more than team-building exercises or teamwork. They think best when they’re left alone with their work in a quiet room and can let their brains tick away in peace. Their dominant function, introverted intuition, creates this strong preference. This function requires independence, autonomy, and solitude to work. When an INTJ is left alone to think, this process activates and starts musing over whatever work the INTJ has to do. It takes in all the information on the idea and uses it to identify the patterns that underlie the issue. Those patterns can then be used to predict or try to create the future.
INTJs aligned with work that suits their personality will be intellectually engaged, solve compelling problems, and work online in solitude.
Michael B. Horn, a Senior Contributor for Forbes, outlined the findings of a LinkedIn Learning Insider Survey that revealed:
The big headline is that 60% of Insiders believe that more employers will move to skills-based hiring by choosing candidates based on what they can do rather than their degree or pedigree. Assessments that objectively suss out one’s skills are on the rise, said one Insider.
At the same time, 57% of Insiders said employers will place more value on non-traditional credentials—and that those seeking jobs should seriously consider them to build their profile… (para. 7 & 8).
The following chart was compiled from information furnished by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that falls within the skills often demonstrated by INTJs.
Job Title | Salary | Growth (2020-2030) | Number of Jobs |
Business Analyst | $87,660/yr. | 14% | 907,600 |
Content Writer | $67,120/yr. | 9% | 143,200 |
Corporate Trainer | $62,700/yr. | 11% | 328,700 |
Curriculum Designer | $66,970/yr. | 10% | 190,400 |
E-Learning Training/ Development Managers | $115,640/yr. | 11% | 42,100 |
INTJs may consider becoming specialists to niche the positions mentioned above to gain an advantage in these jobs.
Some recommendations are:
Thought Leadership Content Developer
Reportedly, there are over a billion blogs on the internet, slated to continue growing. Fortunately, there will be greater demand for researched, data-based, original content on the internet.
INTJs will relish the opportunity to create content that makes them the “go-to” providers of specialized content as entrepreneurs or as corporate digital marketers. Becoming thought leaders will pave the way for other content providers to raise the bar on content creation.
Business Strategist
As masterminds and strategists, INTJs can expand the scope of business analysis by creating organizational development strategies based on historical data and best practices. In a global economy, business strategists create competitive advantages that allow companies to increase productivity and profitability.
Online Course Developer
The rising cost of college tuition and companies opting to no longer require college degrees for specific positions will create opportunities for INTJs to develop online courses that meet current market needs.
Whether housed on independent websites, or popular online course platforms like Udemy, Coursera, or LinkedIn Learning, INTJs can create new models for addressing the gap in critical thinking and time management skills.
Certification Provider
Aligned with the idea of a course developer, opportunities will be available for INTJs to create certification programs. As an educational broker, certification providers serve as go-betweens for companies looking for talent and students looking for job placement.
More entrepreneurial INTJs can serve as in-house certification providers (corporate universities) that create certification programs onsite that allow companies to instill corporate curricula and values within employees.
Resilience Leadership Trainer
Specific plans for garnering “comebacks” will be necessary during adversity and competitive times. Budding and new managers who become overwhelmed or experience burn-out will open opportunities for resilience training.
INTJs who have mastered critical thinking, strategic thinking, and reasoning skills will create methods and systems for individuals to cope with a changing world.
The future favors the bold and the intellectual. The world will become more of a thinking person’s domain. Based on the rising costs and shifting importance of college degrees, INTJs’ ability to bridge the intellectual divide will be attractive and sought-after in years to come.
Are you up for the challenge?
—Jillian Merkel

Horn, M.B. (2017, Jan. 20). Will alternative credentials replace college degrees? Forbes. Retrieved from:
The INTJ in the workplace (n.d.). Personality Club. Retrieved from:
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (n.d.). Occupational Outlook Handbook. Retrieved from:
Zavyiboroda, M. (2021, June 1). Hard and soft skills needed for the future job: An overview. HRForecast. Retrieved from: