Quite often, the accomplishments of introverts may be overlooked because they lack the need for overt attention. However, this does not mean introverts do not want to be recognized and appreciated for their achievements.
Such a notion would make introverts appear above human needs and emotions. And no one is above that.
While introverts and extroverts are essential in their way, and their productivity is dependent on many factors, there is an inherent assumption that introverts cannot achieve the same milestones as extroverts.
This article will talk about the breakthroughs introverts have made in the corporate world, as well as the unique characteristics that introverts have that give them an advantage over bigger personalities.
1. Introverts are Sharp Observers of Societal Needs
One of the most remarkable skills introverts possess is the ability to solve problems. Whether Microsoft’s Bill Gates desires to put a computer in every home and office or Tesla’s Elon Musk’s desire to popularize electric cars by making them efficient and attractive, introverts see a problem and begin the hard work of creating a solution.
On a personal level, they might observe things that would skip other people’s attention. A curse and a blessing are that introverts often don’t speak up as fluidly as extroverts. Consequently, you may not know what is occupying an introvert’s mind.
Of course, this is individual because many introverts have learned to express themselves as eloquently as any introvert. The critical point is that introverts internalize and use their energy to create problem-solving ideas that favorably impact the world.
Because introverts think about details before they speak or bring forward an idea, society benefits because introverts don’t spend a great deal of time explaining their next moves; they merely execute and evaluate solutions to manifest a compelling idea.
Anyone could have accomplished similar feats, but as average individuals observed the same problem each day, an introvert took up the challenge of doing something about it.
2. Introverts Are Focused and Determined on an Outcome
It is one thing to be observant and conscientious and to remain focused on a task until it’s completed. Introverts are less likely to waste their time on idle chitchat and are more likely to focus their efforts on getting work done efficiently and on time.
An introvert’s preternatural sensitivity makes projects extremely personal. Work and tasks that interest them become a part of their DNA. This deep connection between introverts and their work is critical in influencing the societal direction and can even start coordinated and calculated movements.
Also, introverts think more in the long term and don’t mind spending time in their heads plotting and strategizing. They are also less likely to be distracted by immediate rewards and are dispassionate about the feelings of others around them when they are in the “zone.”
This zone is where solitude meets contemplative analysis to manifest huge breakthroughs.
Strategic thinking introverts are often seen within INTJ, ISTJ, and INTP personality types and might even be characterized as “robotic” because they are relentless in their pursuit of a mission.
This missionary zeal cannot be learned because it lies at the core of these personality types.
Organizational leaders and employers are well served when they can identify strategic thinking introverts in their midst as conduits for creating epic change.
3. Introversion Leads to Economic Empires
If you’re not convinced of the power of introversion, review the success of Bill Gates and Elon Musk again. We repeatedly use these two icons as examples of powerful introverts due to their notoriety and historical significance. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos would also fit within this group.
These modern-day scientists that create technological breakthroughs could arguably exist only through introversion. Discovering unmet needs within the marketplace based on observation, focus, and pure imagination has created trillions of dollars of value to civilization.
Could extroverts have achieved the same at such a rapid speed? Perhaps! Extroversion does not prevent the ability to create at a high level. However, high-level creativity requires individuals to drown out the background noise of consensus thinking and censor the court of public opinion.
The power of introversion entails the mind-numbing stillness of reflection and introspection that can only lead to transformative results.
4. History is Proof-Positive of Introverted Individualism
Throughout the annals of history, you will discover that many of the victorious revolutionaries were quite often introverted. Be it Albert Einstein, whose scientific research completely changed the world as we know it today, or civil rights icon Rosa Parks.
These people broke the unspoken norms of society to start a revolution of their own. Fundamentally, introverts possess the strength to create one-person crusades. Einstein once said that he was not built to work within groups, preferring to spend most of his time in isolation developing his theories that would transform the world.
Many organizational heads regale the idea of team building, where groups are proclaimed the ideal form for creating breakthroughs. Research has shown that these group settings allow extroverts to express ideas and connect with their peers.
It is the lowly introvert in such settings whose ideas are quashed or never articulated in this setting. Pure introverts create revolutions in solitude without the need or desire to be inclusive.
5. Introverts Don’t Play Politics
The best thing about introverts is that they stay away from conspiracies and drama and focus more on their goals and aspirations. The typical politician is characterized as outgoing, friendly, and fast on their feet.
Their stock in trade is the ability to manage and control resources. The games that politicians have to play affect what gets done in society.
Many introverts believe that such games are a waste of time. It is easier to be autonomous and act according to one’s enlightened self-interest.
To attempt to cement agreements between warring factions seem illogical and unproductive.
As noted earlier, introverts can surreptitiously achieve great results with strategic thinking introverts without needing a give and take dynamic. It isn’t that introverts can’t play politics; they choose not to do so.
Introverts take great pride in using their work ethic and hard work to get ahead, and at most times, they succeed because their efforts speak for themselves.
Quietly as it’s kept, introverts rule or run the aspects of the world that keep civilization thriving.
With observation, focus, solitude, and missionary zeal, introverts are genuinely forces to be reckoned with.
The next time you see a new trend or breakthrough, rest assured that an introvert is behind it being reported by extroverts.
—Scott Flynn
Related: Power & Influence for Introverts
Mizne, D. (n.d.). Who performs better at work, Introverts or extroverts? 15 Five Blog. Retrieved from: https://bit.ly/3ovRU3K.
Sarkis, S. (2019, Jan. 30). Introverts can be your most valuable employees. Forbes. Retrieved from: https://bit.ly/3cIqeGt.
Valentine, M. (2018, April 12). Here are 10 outrageously successful introverts to inspire you. Goalcast. Retrieved from: https://bit.ly/2VzS09U.
Wilber, J. (2020, May 19). 10 reasons why introverts make the best employees. Tough Nickel. Retrieved from: https://bit.ly/3ouNrOY