Introverts are best understood to be shy individuals that prefer spending time alone and taking a significant amount of time to open up to others.
Introverts also prefer working alone and are often unable to delegate tasks effectively to their peers or subordinates. Being an introvert at the office can become mentally frustrating, so I have compiled a list of things introverts can do to delegate tasks more effectively.
Delegation is essential, and it can be understood to be a key to maximizing productivity and also helping keep you sane because your workload may become arduous. You cannot manage everything, and you should delegate tasks to your workers for your mental health.
1. Establish A Priority System
A proper priority system can help you streamline your delegation process. You can categorize your tasks based on the level of importance they hold and the impact they have.
Functions with a high priority should be done by you, whereas tasks with a relatively low priority need to be done by someone else.
Giving someone else a high-effort and low-skill task will save a lot of your time and help you focus on projects that matter. Even if the person messes up, you do not need to worry too much because the task does not hold that much importance, and you can always demand revisions and show them how the job needs to be done.
2. Correspond Via Email
While most introverts struggle with socializing and explaining each task personally and in detail, one breakthrough you can make is by delegating by email. Think through all of your emails and draft them in detail.
Carefully thought-out emails help address people’s questions about the process.
Emails also add a touch of professionalism and serve as a way of documenting correspondences, making people more likely to respond quickly to tasks. You can also use the help of scheduling apps to help you track everyone’s progress in real-time.
Additionally, you can communicate clearly in emails about any special instructions or strict deadlines you want to emphasize. The details included will also help you bridge any communication gaps if possible.
3. Go Out of Your Comfort Zone
Now I understand that this is easier said than done, but you need to make efforts to ensure good quality of work. Don’t be afraid to verify or follow up with your employees on their progress. It would help if you went out of your comfort zone to get your tasks delegated effectively.
Employees must establish a track record of trust, proficiency, and efficiency before giving them greater leeway.
Give positive feedback to your workers when they have done an excellent job and constructive criticism when they have fallen short of expectations. Constant interaction will help your workers stay motivated.
You can also offer public praise to let your workers know they are doing well. While doing this might be difficult as it requires you to interact more, it is incredibly essential as it helps boost employee motivation.
A person of few words can be as effective as those who are long-winded.
Some employees work better on specific tasks, whereas others work better on alternative tasks. You will only be able to figure that out once you communicate with your workers and delegate tasks based on their skillset.
Once you can figure out their strengths, you will be able to delegate tasks to them quickly and efficiently.
4. Establish a System
For introverts, having a systematic process and workflow is much more comfortable, and it is also much more convenient. A system ensures that your workers don’t need guidance from you every step of the way.
Workers can check in within your system to know the current status. For larger teams working under you, they can also coordinate themselves and help each other.
Through this process, you can also single out the high performers to know which employees can work alongside you. You can then delegate tasks to your top-performing employees with a higher level of seriousness and responsibility.
The more responsible an employee is, the more you will be able to trust them and open up to them gradually. As someone who likes to work alone, you will also be required to open up a little and put some trust in your workers because, at most times, you will not be able to accomplish all the tasks on your own.
5. Try Teaching Your Employees New Skills
While this may be the most challenging task for an introvert, you have to be artful enough to teach new employees skills that can help them make valuable inroads in their work.
You can encourage your workers to enroll in online courses through which they can acquire new skills, or you can delegate some time each day to teach an employee a new skill individually and tailor-made to his or her needs.
Group training might be difficult for you; therefore, personalized coaching can be your best bet, and customized training can help you focus on training one employee at a time. The result will always be better, and your employees will also have a higher retention ratio.
Being an introvert can cause you significant problems in the workspace, and it can also place you in challenging positions as well. There is no simple solution, but you can work your way around it to produce favorable results.
Effectively delegating tasks while being an introvert that enjoys working in solitude can be a challenging task. You will have to take small steps outside of your comfort zone to assign roles to your employees better and improve your team’s communication and coordination skills.
Ultimately, as a self-starter, you will combine the skills that are most natural for you with the skills necessary for self-actualization. This amalgamation reflects the best that you have to offer.
—Elizabeth Austen

Conti, G. (n.d.). How to delegate tasks effectively (and why it’s important). Focus. Retrieved from:
Demers, J. (2015, May 7). 7 strategies for delegating better and getting more done. INC. Retrieved from:
Tracy, B. (n.d.). How to delegate the right tasks to the right people: Effective management skills for leadership success. Brian Tracy International. Retrieved from: