Each day, we make decisions that have some degree of risk attached to them. Easier decisions require little thought or contemplation, and the risks are
Category: strategic thinking introverts

Introverts hate team-building exercises because it acts contrary to their hardwiring, and forced human interaction is a destabilizing experience for them. Like leadership models, the

Quite often, exploiters and opportunists target introverts because introverts appear noncombative and agreeable. Introverts can do two fundamental things to lay the foundation for not

Can strategic thinking introverts handle chaos better than others? Edward Lorenz’s “Chaos Theory” suggests, “Although many complex systems appear to behave randomly, Chaos Theory shows

Society has become more complex, competitive, and domineering. These conditions require strategic thinking introverts to take more active roles in their transformation. Strategic thinking introverts

In general, humans are multidimensional but tend to act unidimensional. This is because we either favor the skills we enjoy the most or possess the

Quite often, the accomplishments of introverts may be overlooked because they lack the need for overt attention. However, this does not mean introverts do not

Even in this day and age of progression and enlightenment, there are still concepts that human society has yet to grasp fully. One of which