If the world is going to be controlled by someone, let it be by you.
This statement might sound selfish and maniacal, but it rings true in a world where technological advances and business empires are developed through rugged individualism.
Everything in the world is built by someone’s hands, mind, and imagination. And quite often, it’s an extrovert with the boldness and bravado to articulate an idea and inspire others towards action.
Fortunately, extroverts don’t have a monopoly on ideas.
Introverts can guide and transform the world in their image.
They have to do it differently.
With the advent of the internet and social media, introverts can use their solitude, affinity for reading, and problem-solving skills to become influencers through content creation.
Moreover, introverts should become influencers because they are thoughtful in their analysis, careful in their writing, and excellent in their execution.
These groundbreaking innovations can be done in obscurity and with little fanfare.
The best idea doesn’t always win.
Victor Cheng, the founder of Case Interview, a management consultancy firm, said,
In many corporate cultures, the validity of any idea is often dependent on the authority level of the person who said it. The best idea doesn’t win. The idea that came from the boss’s mouth is the one that wins.
In other words, an idea is valid based on the position of individuals and the impact of their words.
However, times have changed.
As an introverted marketer and thought leader, Seth Godin often says in today’s society, “You can pick yourself.”
The internet and social media allow you to become experts and influencers in domains where research, insight, and objectivity are appreciated.
Sometimes the best ideas are lost in targeting the wrong audience.
Instead of attempting to change the minds of anti-intellectuals and unbelievers, wouldn’t it be best to communicate with those who share your values?
After all, the internet and social media have inspired content creators to direct their information to individuals looking for specific information. Google searches represent patterns in behavior and interest.
Why shouldn’t introverts take advantage of this opportunity by creating compelling content?
Why is content creation important for introverted influencers?
Content creation is essential for building a body of work that helps people live better lives. Most people want to be viewed as intelligent and enlightened. But their choices sometimes don’t lead to them making the best decisions.
And over a lifetime, their choices add up to either a happy, prosperous life or a life full of regrets.
So, introverts who have invested the time and resources to ponder problems and create solutions are highly demanded. The lives of many people depend on them.
Does this sound melodramatic?
Perhaps. But think about how often we repeat famous sayings by historical figures who may have been deceased for centuries. Their introspective words written at a distant time and place resonate with us as if they were recently uttered.
That’s the power of content creation that influences.

The life of an introvert
It is commonly known that introverts are inwardly driven and need solitude to replenish their energy. Often, they shun the limelight and are inclined to allow others to take credit for their work. Also, introverts are known to be meditative and self-reflective, often creating a world within their minds.
Before this time in history, introverts had to emulate the ways of extroverts to receive acclaim for their work.
Scientist Albert Einstein relished working alone, but his intellectual breakthroughs called on him to interact with the public in ways that pushed his introverted boundaries.
If Einstein were alive today as an influencer, he probably would have a scientific blog, use images and voice-overs to explain his theories on YouTube, and publish colorful infographics on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook.
He would appreciate the ability to develop ideas, publish, and disseminate them from the comfort of a home office.
So, why not you?
Social media marketing for introverts
This is the best time in history for introverts to be alive. Suddenly, introversion is trending. More and more people are adopting the need for space and tranquility in a raucous world.
And even extroverts must be wary about a slip of the tongue with an off-color comment or an unflattering selfie on Instagram.
Not so for introverts.
Because introverts merely want to solve problems in specialized areas, the internet and social media are ideal for facilitating this process.
There are three points you should keep in mind.
- Introverts are not mass marketers but specialists.
- Introverts cater to a small pool of like-minded individuals.
- Introverts create content as a lifestyle.
Introverts are not mass marketers but specialists.
The idea’s messaging is more focused and targeted because introverts are not trying to appeal to uninterested individuals. LinkedIn and Facebook have specialized groups for diverse interests. And if there isn’t a group that reflects a specific interest, you can create one.
Gone are the days when you had to rent a hotel conference room and place an advertisement in the local newspaper for people to attend an informational seminar.
Today, introverts can interview guests on a podcast off-camera or publish original content on LinkedIn Publishing or a personal blog.
Introverts cater to a small pool of like-minded individuals.
Just as LinkedIn and Facebook have specialty groups, introverts look for audiences that serve as think tanks and focus groups. To germinate ideas based on the problems group members are experiencing requires extensive research and listening. Group members expressing specific concerns are fodder for creating original content that resolves these issues.
So, if these groups are all introverts, can’t they research, analyze, and develop solutions to their problems?
All introverts are not created alike. Although introverts share common traits like inward thinking, self-reflection, and analysis, they share the same procrastination challenges as extroverts. Environmental influences and genetic makeup still play a large part in individual ambition. Consequently, ambitious and enlightened introverts will do more content creation than their less active counterparts.
Ambitious introverts create content to help their colleagues find their way.
Introverts create content as a lifestyle.
The introverted lifestyle bodes well with content creation. Curiosity must be at the core of content creation. It is not enough to spend large amounts of time contemplating the world’s problems without developing practical solutions. As hardwired intellectuals, introverts should have a personal library, internet access, and a self-contained environment where inordinate time can be spent developing a body of work.
Ultimately, the goal is to help people discover better ways of living, which leads to becoming valuable influencers.
A focused, disciplined lifestyle is the conduit for influencers to cure social ills.
Today, introverts possess the ability to influence the world by fashioning it through intellectual lenses.
The loudest and most outlandish personalities would have the last word left to their own devices.
A cultural war is not merely based on tastes and opinions but on ideas.
And while the best ideas may not always win traditionally, the best strategically placed ideas often do.
Now is the time for introverts to seize the day.
If they don’t, who will?
—Edward S. Brown

Cheng, V. (2016, Dec. 6). The best idea doesn’t always win. Case Interview. Retrieved from: https://bit.ly/3xiHVEo.