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What Is an INTP’s Learning Style and How Can It Help You Succeed

Individuals with various Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) often learn differently due to personality hard-wiring. 
Utilizing insights about your MBTI type to simplify your learning experience could help you gain information quicker and apply it more efficiently to problem-solving.

Introducing the INTP Personality Type

INTPs are fascinated by design, systems, logical analysis, and philosophical innovation. Their minds are engrossed with theory as they look for the universal truth behind the things of interest. This personality type strives to know more about the patterns and connections within complex problems and situations.

What does it mean?

INTP is the acronym utilized to determine one of the 16 personality types that Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs developed. It refers to Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving.
Hence, an INTP individual is someone introverted and fueled by spending time alone. They concentrate intuitively on concepts and thoughts rather than details and facts. 
They are thinkers and ruled by reason and logic. INTPs are perceivers, meaning they prefer flexibility and less structure rather than calculated preparation.
Additionally, INTPs are often called “The Architect” due to their intuitive understanding of complicated systems and are close relatives to INTJ and ISTJ personality types. In this sense, they are the ultimate pragmatists. 
Real-world examples best serve the problems that they resolve. Mere conjecture or pure hypotheticals don’t lead to evaluating how solutions play out in real-time.

How do INTPs obtain, learn, and remember information?

INTPs’ interest in learning a subject is fueled by their quest for an answer to the question: “How is this structured?” The more comprehensive the solution they receive throughout the learning process, the greater their curiosity about the subject and the higher their yearning to know more about it.
Their craving to investigate something is powered by the aspiration to get to the bottom of how complicated systems work and the quest for answers to fundamental problems. Additionally, INTPs can study complex and expansive material independently or in small groups.
This personality type has a substantial amount of patience to higher degrees of learning-related stress. 

INTPs’ learning is enhanced when:
· The material is complicated. It helps INTPs increase their drive.
· The topic massively expands and deepens their understanding and knowledge of the subject and is delivered on a conceptual foundation.
· The similar material is delivered from various points of view. It enhances their retention.
· The material is presented at a moderate pace. Keep in mind that INTPs could get unfocused, trying to come about with a hypothetical link between bits of data.
· They work autonomously with the study material.
· Learning is intensive and systematic.
INTPs’ learning is delayed when:
· Substantial amounts of data lacking logical flow are delivered at a quick stride. INTPs often try to search for a merging pattern and lose concentration and sharpness in receptiveness.
· They join in on group work along with the study material.
· The understanding obtained doesn’t deepen or broaden their comprehension in the particular field.
· Material is minor. It suddenly lowers their interest. 

What does success mean to INTPs?

Individuals with this personality type are considered global thinkers. They understand everything as one significant entity. INTPs continuously look for the truth through facts.

Their feeling of being successful is massively tied to their ability to explore complex concepts, dive deep into pattern recognition, and replenish their energy in solitude.

As a leader, INTPs motivate others with their intelligence and advanced concepts. They are often modest on the surface, but they catch the attention of everyone once they start discussing their insights. 
They enjoy discovering new possibilities and interacting in creative problem-solving scenarios.
INTJs and ISTJs, INTPs can be used on special projects requiring deep analysis with little to no supervision. INTPs may ask about needed information, but the best way for them to thrive is to provide the specifications on a project and move out of their way.
Kurt Faulkner
Related: The Introvert’s Edge to Strategic Thinking & Planning
Aneja, G. (2017, Aug.10). The INTP personality type and learning styles. Career Assessment Site. Retrieved from:
Anonymous (n.d.) The INTP at work. Truity. Retrieved from:
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