Depending on the host, introverts can feel delighted or disheartened when they receive an invitation to an event for which they have to RSVP. An
Category: strategic thinking introverts

In today’s society, attention is the new currency. Past entertainers paved the way for spectacles to become a money-making juggernaut. In the 1940s – 1950s,

In a world filled with mazes and minefields, the best introverts can do is become strategists who circumvent chaos and maneuver around collisions. Strategic thinking

If you were to ask ordinary people, “How effective are your strategic thinking skills?” They would invariably rank themselves very high. The same would apply

Why do some introverts appear to be more extroverted than they let on? This question was asked on Quora, an online discussion platform. The questioner

An adage suggests that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. In other words, hard times bring out the best in resilient people.

Why would introverts want to build an online community? After all, aren’t they geared towards living inside their world as parties of one? And although

Have you ever met someone you thought was a great thinker and discovered that you were wrong? The person might have been college-educated and could

Are strategic thinking introverts suddenly in style? Is this unique type of introvert gaining popularity? These may seem silly questions because personality types don’t go