INTJ personality types are known for their analytical and strategic minds, often logical, rational, and goal-oriented.
However, they are also known for being secretive and private, often keeping their thoughts, feelings, and plans to themselves.
This tendency towards secrecy stems from a combination of factors, including their natural introspection, desire for independence and autonomy, and concern for protecting their privacy and personal boundaries.
As a result, INTJs can be challenging to get to know, but those who can gain their trust and respect may find that they are incredibly loyal and trustworthy allies.
How do INTJs feel after they solve a complex problem?
Ultimately, INTJs feel accomplished and validated when they solve complex problems.
They believe in earned self-esteem, where you have achieved something to feel good about.
INTJs feel best when they have been legitimized as bonafide scholars and academics.
Unless they have tested themselves by some objective measure, many INTJs may experience voids.
What makes it hard for an INTJ personality type to get angry?
Many believe INTJs bottle up and store their anger inside themselves, never allowing an accurate response to manifest at the time of outrage.
It is unknown that INTJs process information internally before presenting it to the world.
Superior thinking skills are an INTJ’s superpower.
And INTJs can be your best friend or worst enemy.
Consequently, it would be best to avoid making an INTJ mad because it’s often the beginning, not the end, of a long, protracted war.
Typically, an INTJ’s hypersensitivity is constantly calibrating others’ energy and the proper response to an overt act.
Whereas many extroverts may readily “pop off” or overtly express outrage, INTJs temper this rage as they process it.
What are the INTJ personality type’s most interesting and unique qualities?
Arguably, an INTJ’s most interesting and unique qualities are their intellectual curiosity and ability to execute ideas at high levels.
These qualities allow INTJs to make outstanding contributions to society and nurture self-confidence.
Ultimately, INTJs have both worlds when they can give and get simultaneously.
What are the signs that an INTJ personality type is in a dark place?
When INTJs are in a dark place, many will have a reflective or introspective look.
Typically, they won’t share what’s happening inside them outside of the people they like, know, and trust.
Interestingly, random people want to know their thoughts because of their intense silence.

What would happen if some INTJs met together?
An old saying is that opposites may attract, but similarities keep them together.
Generally, when two INTJs communicate, the core of the conversation feels like they are talking with kindred spirits.
The essence of INTJs is similar even when the experiences are different.
This can happen even when the genders are dissimilar.
As an INTJ, is it normal to constantly feel left out, even in small groups?
Yes, it is normal for INTJs to feel left out of small groups, particularly when they have distanced themselves from colleagues and coworkers.
For INTJs, isolation is the trade-off between desiring autonomy and being included within social and professional circles.
Enlightened INTJs are satisfied with this trade-off when they have determined that solo projects and ventures are worth the cost of exclusion.
What would cause a lazy INTJ?
Unfortunately, being an INTJ does not equate to being ambitious.
A few people on earth move the needle; they aren’t all INTJs.
It takes a combination of curiosity, self-confidence, unmet needs, and insecurity to achieve phenomenal results.
Once INTJs discover a general interest that leads to specificity, they are on the road to self-discovery and extraordinary results.
In conclusion, the secrecy and privacy of INTJ personality types result from their unique blend of natural tendencies and values.
Their reflective nature, desire for autonomy and independence, and concern for protecting their personal boundaries all contribute to their tendency to keep their thoughts, feelings, and plans to themselves.
While this can make it challenging to get to know an INTJ, it is essential to respect their need for privacy and approach them with patience and understanding.
Doing so may earn their trust and respect and develop a rewarding relationship with this complex and intriguing personality type.
—Edward Brown