Military strategist Sun Tzu in his book, The Art of War, said that “Every battle is won before it is ever fought.”
Many academicians, business people, and politicians use Sun Tzu’s declarations as tenets to high-level success in the modern world.
Many of life’s battles are psychological rather than physical and require understanding the motivation of aggressors.
Researchers suggest that bullying and other forms of intimidation result from low self-esteem, insecurity, depression, and other disempowerment within the aggressor.
Aggressors tend to take their frustrations, insecurities, and unhappiness out on others.
Dealing with disappointment, disempowerment, and disillusionment rests with the aggressors themselves.
However, very few are self-aware and proactive enough to get the assistance they need, opting to wreak havoc on society, particularly introverts.
As a result, Introverts must develop coping mechanisms to ward off attacks.
Introverts experience these battles more viscerally based on their hypersensitivity and tendency to overthink things.
With rising housing, food, and fuel costs, the inclination for conflict increases based on the instability of economic markets.
As a result, the intellectual challenges of maneuvering through these minefields call for introverts to become more strategic in equipping themselves for psychological warfare.
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes Psychological Warfare as “Things that are done to make someone (such as an enemy or opponent) become less confident or feel hopeless, afraid, etc.”
In this context, introverts must develop psychological, philosophical, and tactical ways to defend themselves against subtle and blatant aggression.
Also, introverts must contend with the psychological warfare within themselves. Based on introverts being inwardly driven, the outer world affects their inner world.
Roman general Vegetius said two thousand years ago, “If you want peace, prepare for war.”
For introverts, preparing for war means adopting philosophical principles that bolster them towards action, making the best decisions based on the Contingency Theory of Leadership, personal branding through intellectual property, and learning the basics for self-protection.
Adopting philosophical principles that bolster action
Philosophical concepts by historical figures provide direction for the best practices for ideal living. Based on one’s aspirations, goals, and values, historical thinkers shed light on ideas that move introverts to action in ways they would not ordinarily.
Making the best decisions based on the Contingency Theory of Leadership
The Contingency Theory of Leadership suggests that the best form of leadership is based on the situation at hand. It is reminiscent of political strategist Niccolò Machiavelli’s notion of providing the best solution based on the needs of the circumstances. This theory does not pigeonhole introverts into doing anything one way.
Personal branding through intellectual property
Build self-confidence by creating intellectual property through blogs, books, podcasts, and videos. Earned self-esteem comes from creating information and platforms that solve compelling problems.
Ultimately, introverts are measured and valued by the achievements they bring to society, not a sense of entitlement based on raw intelligence.
Learning the basics of self-protection
Self-protection requires basic self-defense techniques if physically threatened. Knowing how to de-escalate unwarranted attacks through calm reasoning skills and, when necessary, attacking the vulnerable parts of an opponent’s body allows for greater freedom and self-confidence. Intellectualism isn’t valued in some societal sectors, thus requiring a different and more vigorous response.
Gaining the self-confidence to participate in psychological warfare requires adopting a lifestyle that remains in a constant state of preparation.

General Vegetius thought that militaries became weak by not training and exercising their will during times of peace.
He believed that it was essential that would-be enemies know that an army was in perpetual readiness as a deterrent for any threats of war.
Psychological warfare is self-protection for introverts.
Because contemporary conflicts are more psychological, introverts must discover new ways to counter old demons from the past.
Introverts must pick their battles effectively and control their egos, so that past fears don’t disrupt the logical reasoning of their decision-making.
Battles should be entertained based on self-interest.
If a battle does not involve the furtherance of a progressive goal or the protection of self or loved ones, it should not be fought.
To do otherwise is to be ruled by a prideful ego, which is oppositional to self-empowerment.
By allowing the internal voice of reason never to be quashed or overruled, introverts can stay on solid ground for making the best strategic decisions.
Ultimately, introverts are protecting their mental wellness by engaging in psychological warfare.
Maintain intellectual dominance
The world is run and ruled by intellectualism.
People with the most significant amount of data with the ability to analyze and synthesize information win in the end.
In psychological warfare, it is vital to be abreast of relevant laws, policies, rules, regulations, and standard operating procedures.
These instruments are the weapons employed by today’s warriors.
Use the judicial system and other governmental agencies for enforcement. Leverage their power to impact optimal results favorably.
Also, laws and policies offset aggressors looking for easy prey for monetary gain.
In psychological warfare, the aim is to maintain control, independence, and personal power.
Aggressors want to threaten introverts’ autonomy, resources, and supplies because aggressors lack the intellect, discipline, and skills to thrive in the modern world.
Solitude, research, and introspection are strategies for de-escalation.
Documenting all correspondence creates an indispensable paper trail.
Live peacefully
Once an enemy’s motivation has been identified, never forget it.
Psychological warfare is a marathon; peace can only be maintained through continuous growth and progress.
Introverts should never lose self-control or focus on their self-interest.
By viewing the world as a frenzy of competing interests, peaceful self-assurance allows introverts to advance strategically.
If every battle is won before it is ever fought, today’s psychological warfare rests on the ability to defeat opponents intellectually.
Outthinking, outmaneuvering, and out-competing aggressors require steel determination and relentless resolve.
Introverts are prepared to win this war on every front.
—Josh Getty

Gill, N.S. (2019, July 5). Who said, ‘If you want peace, prepare for war’? ThoughtCo. Retrieved from:
Miles, M. (2022, Sept. 6). What is the Contingency Theory of Leadership, and how does it work? Better Up Blog. Retrieved from: