INTJS are terrifying. They know so, and some are comfortable with it being that way. That is how it is, and little can be done about it!
We will talk about why they appear terrifying and intimidating. Also, we’ll discover the nature of an INTJ’s personality.
INTJs stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Thinker, and Judging. The INTJ has various names such as mastermind, architect, and analyst. They make up less than 2% of the population, 3% of men and 1% of women.
This is a system of classification according to Myers-Briggs personality types. In short, INTJs are ambitious, self-confident, analytical thinkers with good problem-solving abilities and an eagerness to improve systems, structures, and processes with innovative ideas.
How do you identify them?
They love to spend a lot of time alone, preferring to enjoy their own company. When confronted with a problem, they see patterns and possibilities helping them view the issue in a well-rounded manner.
While analyzing possible solutions for the task, their logic and reason are their calling cards. INTJs’ desire for how and why a system works falls in line with them being the ultimate strategists.
Some famous individuals who may be classified under this personality type are Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Hillary Clinton, and the character Peter Baelish in the movie series, Game of Thrones.
Why are INTJs characterized as intimidating?
They do not care about other people’s feelings or what others think about them. An INTJ’s ultimate concern is what they can achieve. This notion can appear terrifying and intimidating because many people fear the cold and dispassionate persona of Star Trek’s Mr. Spock over the syrupy style of Oprah Winfrey.
Here are some specific reasons INTJs can be terrifying:
1. Want control: They love structure and organization because they want to control the situation around them, including the people involved. As a result, INTJs tend to be controlling and intimidating to keep people in check to achieve their goals.
2. Desire efficiency: INTJs have a knack for finding shorter, more innovative, and less time-consuming ways to solve problems. Their need to create systems could make them appear terrifying or intimidating to people who need more hand-holding.
3. Want personal space: Sometimes INTJs merely want to be alone. These are the times they need to recharge or unwind from long work periods. They may present a repulsive persona to keep people away, to control their space, instead of merely being antisocial.
4. They can be loners most times: Because INTJs are the happiest within the field of ideas, they view people as having limited value. People are mere conduits for the manifestation of ideas.
Those disliked by INTJs may be the subject of their quirks and shortcomings. In this regard, INTJs can be dismissive for the minutest of reasons.
They don’t hurt others intentionally, and they don’t waste time with individuals who don’t align with their ambitions. This is contrary to most people’s need to go along to get along.
5. Facing the elephant in the room: INTJs are active listeners and preternaturally curious. Consequently, they have no problem discussing things other people would find uncomfortable.
Mainly when the conversation deals with issues that directly affect an INTJ’s goals, the perception of others could be that INTJs are bullies who are willing to get their way by any means necessary.
6. Cold expressions: Some INTJs may appear cold, angry, non-interested, or extremely serious. In this vein, INTJs might be challenging to read. It doesn’t mean they have anything pressing on their minds; they never turn off the valve to their thinking.
They love the process of thinking and the productivity that comes out of it.
7. Bored with inefficiency even in relationships: Their drive for efficiency even in personal relationships is another reason INTJs can appear terrifying. While many personality types lose their self-identity in close or romantic relations, INTJs do not.
The value of personal relationships is correlative to the value of their intellectual enrichment. Once a relationship ceases to be intellectually fulfilling, an INTJ will be out and off to greener pastures.
They experience voids and losses but are not long-suffering.
8. They enjoy being that way: INTJs who might have felt bullied or disempowered at an earlier age may enjoy the power that accompanies fear and intimidation. When such an attitude gives them the desired result, they enjoy watching others squirm.
Having been on both sides of power and pain, they choose power.
9. They know a lot: INTJs are people who do a lot of reading and researching about subjects they’re most interested in. Generally, their analysis has breadth and depth in ways that out-pace their contemporaries.
Consequently, slight or superficial knowledge by competitors will galvanize INTJs to cast them away as mortal enemies. In this respect, INTJs can be intellectual snobs.
10. They throw their confidence in your face: INTJs are naturally confident and are unapologetic about it. Since Western culture is steeped in Greek logic, this aligns with the strengths of INTJs. INTJs can easily forgive someone who isn’t born with intellectual insight.
However, they despise pretenders. Once you are exposed as an intellectual fraud, you are dead to an INTJ.
Now that you understand the inner workings of an INTJ, the most effective way of dealing with them is to be your authentic self. Most people have some value in contributing to civilization.
Once an INTJ sees your value, you are appreciated for that value. To hide or misrepresent that value motivates an INTJ’s scorn.
—Sarah Tennyson

16Personalities. (n.d.). Architect personality. NERIS Analytics Limited. Retrieved from:
On Track (Producer). (2020, Fe, 5). 10 Reasons why intimidating is a thing with an INTJ… [YouTube video]. Retrieved from: