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Mindful Moves

What do introverts want to know?

Like extroverts, introverted personalities can run the gamut. However, INTJs may have a black-and-white world perspective that makes their personalities extreme.

They have high standards that resonate as a “God Complex.” The more ambition and challenging their upbringing, the more extreme their personality.

Mature INTJs can notice someone’s insecurities quickly.

While everyone is viewing a person’s facade, INJs have uncovered what the person is hiding.

As pattern seekers, the limited variety that most people come in can be easily categorized by INTJs.

Typically, well-educated and well-informed people have broader ranges of conversation starters and fillers to extract from.

The greater the awareness people have, the vast array of concepts and ideas to pull from.

Smartness is the ability to research, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information.

INTJs can get along with any personality type.

It’s the character of individuals that they may find distasteful.

Mature INTJs can size people up based on years of seeing reoccurring behavior patterns.

They can see through people in gauging insecurities and values.

The reverse may be true. People who have been exposed wouldn’t like INTJs.

Based on the research, constant socializing is an extroverted characteristic.

As long as you enjoy a productive and prosperous life and socializing provides you with psychic value, explore the possibilities.

If it doesn't hurt, feel free to do it.

Love is an intellectual journey. For many INTJs, like is a long way to love. The more value you show INTJs, the more love increases and grows.

You are valuable to INTJs as your ability to help them achieve goals they can’t accomplish on their own.

They will love you after you have improved their lives immensely.

Generally, introverts are hypersensitive to their environment, which is part of their hard wiring.

Making sense of the world is beneficial for survival and long-term happiness.

However, taking responsibility for everyone’s behavior can prove unproductive and emotionally harmful in the long run.

Everyone has direct responsibility for their overall being. And to step into someone else’s realm of responsibility is a violation of individual freedom and private property rights.

If there were a choice between personality makeup and environmental influences in determining who is most susceptible to manipulation, the environment would win out.

Introverts and extroverts reared in communities where hustling, manipulation, and shortcuts are the norm would equally know the potential for manipulation.

However, each personality type might handle suspicions differently. The extrovert may be more assertive, whereas the introvert would merely remove himself from the situation with few words.

Because INTJs strive to be beacons of authenticity, they find similar traits in various personality types admirable.

For enlightened INTJs, authenticity means living a logical life based on education and experiences.

Anything based on boilerplate or canned responses to the complexities of life is rejected.

The intellectual journey of one’s life should lead to self-acceptance to enjoy a fulfilling existence.

Lacking self-awareness and self-approval make for an unhappy life.

Objectively understanding one’s personality aids in this process of self-discovery.

Once we know who we are, we can act in our self-interest to get what we want and contribute to societal progress.

Naturalist Charles Darwin postulated that organisms most adaptable to an environment are more inclined to survive.

One’s personality can be altered by environmental influences that derive from experiences.

Also, one can develop skills that make them more effective, but they haven’t changed their personality.

Introverts, for example, can develop social skills to feel less self-conscious around strangers but remain introverted.

Ambitious INTJs are consistently working on a specific project or self-improvement. If you mirror their self-interests, they will allow more time, conversations, and consistency as you demonstrate value to their objectives.

You are as special to INTJs as your ability to help them achieve something they can’t accomplish on their own.

Responding to questions requires some level of thoughtful analysis and consideration.

Introverted personality types tend to fit into this category.

If someone took the time to ask introverts a question, introverts would feel a need to develop the best response.

Their hypersensitivity makes them cautious about steering people in the wrong direction.

Both introverted types are affected by rudeness.

INTJs are inclined to examine the motive behind the act and consider whether a specific response was appropriate to the aggression. Because INTJs don’t react immediately, it becomes vital for INTJs not to feel that aggression has gone unpunished. For many INTJs, the act may linger for days in their minds.

ISTJs are more rule-bound. Inappropriate behavior and etiquette offend their sensibilities. But the offense has to be unconscionable for an initial response.

Between the two, INTJs are more inclined to seek vengeance for the slightest offense.

INTJs are pragmatists about the world. Like everyone else, they view the world optimistically as children. And as they age, they allow the world's realities to imprint on them.

From then on, they are never the same.

But, they are motivated to pursue rewarding work and discover lasting love from trusted family and friends.

INTJs do not have difficulty communicating their ideas and feelings. If anything, they often know how the other person will respond and opt not to say anything.

Based on experience, they can run a possible exchange in their heads and determine the outcome before one word has been uttered.

Because they know how to read patterns, they are inclined to avoid conflicts before they begin.

Solitude, intellectualism, and strategy are tools for developing problem-solving intellectual property.

Introverts who create blogs, podcasts, and videos can become the vanguard for creating transformational content that pays well.

As time passes, people will look for answers to real-world problems, which introverts are poised to deliver.

Strategic and stealthy introverts know that the best way to maneuver in a desperate society is quietly and under cover of darkness.

That’s an extraordinary advantage that introverts have that can be leveraged.

Let extroverts keep talking and looking for public approval in a chaotic world as introverts build a new world of quiet power and enlightenment.

For strategists like INTJs, a bad day either didn’t go according to a plan or the items on a “to-do” list were not completed.

Although INTJs suffer the same losses as everyone else, ambitious INTJs tend to recalibrate and rebound in the coming days.

The beauty of being an intellect is having more good days than bad.

There is research that birth order impacts personality.

First-born individuals tend to be more reserved, protective, and responsible than their younger siblings.

Also, facial and body type impact personality. People described as mesomorphs or muscular frames are more outgoing than endomorphs (obese).

Many factors go into personality, and all have pros and cons.

Ultimately, making friends with like-minded people allows you to gravitate toward those who share similar ambitions, goals, and values.

When you find your tribe of like-minded individuals, friendships happen naturally.

Researchers at Wellesley College and the University of Kansas contradicted a long-held belief that opposites attract in favor of the idea that like-minded people are genuinely drawn to each other and have better relationships.

The takeaway from this study was that people who last as partners or friends came into the relationship with similarities already intact. Essentially, commonalities attract and keep people together.

Human biology is a system to sustain life.

Nature versus nurture is an age-old question as it relates to human development.

The oft-quoted percentage is 50/50.

However, Naturalist Charles Darwin said that species most adaptable to an environment are the most inclined to survive.

With this in mind, you must have the required personality to develop the skills for survivability.

If one were to predict why more introverted people will be in the next generation, we must look to genetic and environmental influences.

Although there may not be a direct link between lower testosterone levels in men and introversion, studies reportedly suggest that male testosterone (which is linked to aggression) levels have dropped since the 1980s due to obesity and depression.

As a result, aggression, which tends to be an extroverted trait, should diminish because of lower testosterone levels.

Also, social media will continue to expand in the coming years, creating more of an environment of fear and hesitancy for self-expression.

Introverts will discover ways to thrive by connecting with like-minded people. At the same time, extroverts might find it less dangerous to live a quieter life.

In the future, people will adopt more introverted characteristics for safety and security.

Consequently, it will be challenging to determine who is living under the radar for their mental wellness and who is actually introverted.

Time will tell.

One thing that INTJs do that hides their intelligence is their unwillingness to fully explain their reasons for a particular course of action.

If you give INTJs a good idea, they will include you as long as you are participatory. If you stop participating, they will go it alone.

By not explaining that they needed to bring a project to completion, the other party is left in a fog of ambiguity, not knowing what happened or what to think.

INTJs are strategic and Machiavellian. The skills they develop are tools in their arsenal to achieve goals at their will.

For enlightened INTJs, nothing goes to waste. Well-roundedness is a catch-all for INTJs to be well-equipped for their intellectual journey.

When INTJs aren’t sure about something, they may be familiar with a topic but need more information to feel confident about a response they can rely on.

The more advanced INTJ needs three credible sources before they report something as factual.

The critical thing to remember is that you must do what makes you feel comfortable and brings the most value to your efforts. Your connections in life increase your name and brand value. For introverts, discovering innovative ways to network online might be a better fit.

Inordinate amounts of conversing and correspondence may be overrated in networking. Too many networking venues are orchestrated for people to connect for their self-interest without the effect of real value and collaboration.

Consequently, the typical networker passes out a bunch of business cards and follows up with a perfunctory email stating how great it was to meet the individual. And that’s the end of the typical networking cycle.

Contrarily, online networking saves you from face-to-face interactions and allows you to share information that builds value for all parties involved. The recipient receives information and resources to further his professional aspirations.

Many introverts learn early on that academic and intellectual prowess are superpowers.

Ultimately, many introverts become better strategists than extroverts because they spend a great deal of time identifying, analyzing, and synthesizing solutions to compelling problems.

Many of today’s technological breakthroughs are the result of introverted determination.

Quite often, yes.

It isn’t that INTJs aren’t willing to learn new skills. It’s that they must respect the intelligence and proficiency of the supervising manager.

Once they learn new skills, INTJs are pretty autonomous.

Rarely do they need to be managed or supervised.

The biggest mistake managers can make is treating INTJs like average employees.

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