It seems contrary to the makeup of introverts to imagine them striving for fame or even putting themselves out there for potential criticism and ridicule.
After all, it’s one thing to have notoriety imposed upon you and another to seek it.
Yet, there is a faction of introverts who become famous online but prefer anonymity.
Said another way, they seek to share engaging content, which leads to fame but wish to remain hidden.
This group of introverts wants to see their ideas flourish in the marketplace but do not want to become targets of attention.
Ann-Marie Alcântara wrote in her article “They’re Internet Famous But Remain Anonymous” in The Wall Street Journal that many content developers use virtual avatars to place their creative works on social media platforms.
A virtual YouTuber or VTuber is an online entertainer who uses a computer-generated avatar to create content.
In the last few years, the American Academy of Advanced Thinking (AAAT) has encouraged introverts who fear criticism and undue attention to create anonymous content on social media platforms to showcase their intellectual property.
According to Alcântara, a VTuber named Iron Mouse has 1.3 million followers and refuses to be interviewed nor provide her real name.
Many VTubers believe that using avatars allows them to protect their mental well-being by not being susceptible to negative or disparaging comments.
Their avatars shield them from ad hominem attacks like body shaming and insensitivity.
Consequently, viewers may comment on characters and content without personal attacks on creators.
Traditionally, anonymity came in pseudonyms, where authors penned their ideas and used false names to hide their identities.
Pseudonyms worked well when well-known writers wanted to experiment with other literary categories but didn’t want to taint the brand they had become known for.
In a media-centric age, pseudonyms have expanded to avatars, paid spokespersons, and ghostwriting. All avenues are geared toward allowing introverts the opportunity to experiment with ideas and quietly participate in societal progress.

Using this framework as a blueprint, I have written several self-published books on Amazon Kindle, hired spokespersons on, and ghostwritten scripts where family and friends served as narrators.
As an introvert, I remained anonymous to avoid the distraction of unsolicited advice and comments.
Essentially, I serve like-minded people who see the world similarly to strengthen their resolve to discover their voices and share their intellectual insights.
Enlightened introverts use these platforms to solve problems based on their education and experience. If you disagree with their work, you could merely go elsewhere.
But to criticize, rant and troll content creators is not the venue I wanted to create for intellectuals.
To protect introverts and allow them to become famous online and remain anonymous requires a holistic strategy.
Lead a one-person crusade using avatars and pseudonyms.
Traditional leadership models are overrated. Leadership experts have used various frameworks for the last century to get people to do what they ultimately don’t want to do.
Consequently, introverts should merely lead with their ideas and be less concerned with who follows.
Cult classics find relevant audiences when they initially were written off as failures.
If you have found an audience of like-minded people with shared experiences, they will appreciate the value of your work.
Avatars and pseudonyms protect the totality of your work if you choose to use them.
Create single-theme content.
Choose a concept or philosophy on which a body of work can be developed. Politicians have “stump speeches” that repeat the same message to different crowds.
Repetition of one theme allows you to break through the noise of competing interests to stand out. Ineffective influencers have inconsistent and variable messages in an attempt to be different.
Introverts aim to be influential and valuable in solving critical problems, not merely to be different.
Choose social media platforms that align with your message.
When individuals post pictures of their family on LinkedIn, that’s a tell-tale sign that they don’t understand the personality of the LinkedIn platform.
A family picture with no professional, education, or business angle is inappropriate for LinkedIn. Facebook is a better platform for family socials.
As you build an audience, consider people’s motivation on specific social media platforms.
Focus on like-minded audiences.
To become famous online to a niche group is better than having mass appeal. People who try to be relevant to everyone end up being irrelevant to the same people.
Generally, people will be fickle and randomly change tastes, views, and likes with mass appeal.
Very little will change with your group’s core if you communicate with people who share your ambitions, goals, and values.
Ultimately, it is mentally healthier to connect with people who mirror you.
Create consistent work to offset the noise of competing interests.
Although you may create intellectual property for a specific audience, you must produce work consistently to stay top of mind.
You may be supported by the community you create, but you are not their only interest.
Like any relationship, you must communicate often and regularly to remain on their radar.
Contrary to popular belief, many introverts choose not to be shrinking violets but forces to be reckoned with.
They have similar goals and aspirations as extroverts.
For introverts to direct the world’s attention on the path of intellectualism requires unique ways of capturing the imagination of distinctive groups.
Being famous online but remaining anonymous gives introverts the best of both worlds.
And who wouldn’t want that?
—Harold Fitzgerald

Alcântara, A. (2022, September 26). They’re internet famous but remain anonymous. The Wall Street Journal, p. A12.
VTuber. (n.d.) Wikipedia. Retrieved from: