Do people want to hear anything you have to say?
Well, yes and no.
More times than not, they will ask trusted family and friends for advice, but unsolicited advice is often unwelcome.
So, in breaking my rule not to give unsolicited advice, this information is for young INTJs looking for advice about maneuvering through the minefields of life.
Today, young INTJs must be strategic about life because the stakes are higher than ever.
With the onslaught of social media, any false moves or grave mistakes could be the death knell of your future.
And people don’t get the opportunity to rewind when they make irreparable mistakes on the world’s stage.
That is why it’s essential to follow best practices and general rules for achieving goals.
Perspectives based on exceptions and outliers do very little to guide right-thinking and strategic planning.
Also, it is best to accept that individuals aren’t special outside of the value they create.
If we live by the notion of best practices, we are better equipped to enjoy long-term success.
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Best Practice as “A procedure that has been shown by research and experience to produce optimal results, and that is established or proposed as a standard suitable for widespread adoption.”
Best practices encourage you to become a social scientist about life. It has very little practical application if a concept or experience can’t be proven.
The That! Company website outlined the importance of best practices by suggesting:
Best practices are important for processes that you need to work correctly. They are simply the best way to do things and have been worked out through trial and error and are found to be the most sensible way to proceed…Regardless of the complexity of your best practices, the aim is to make whatever you are doing work out better, faster, and more efficiently with fewer problems and mistakes. That is why it is always a good idea to be aware of what the best practices are for what you are trying to achieve. It is a framework for success and the minimization of failure.
There are seven best practices younger INTJs should consider as they make decisions in building a productive and successful life.

These concepts have served me well throughout my life.
My best practices are:
Life is full of trade-offs.
Oprah Winfrey once said you could have it all (in life), but not simultaneously. Life is full of trade-offs. And with these trade-offs, there are opportunity costs.
A Google search defines an Opportunity Cost as “The loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.” In other words, when you decide on one benefit, all other optional benefits are lost.
Winning requires laser beam focus and consistency. And most things in life have an upside and downside attached to them.
Consequently, if a benefit is not tied to a crusade, mission, or outcome, it has no viability, even though it is valuable.
Always weigh the pros and cons of any potential benefit and ensure that it aligns with a specific objective.
Live under the radar.
The entertainment industrial complex has ushered in the notion that success must be loud and amusing. Consequently, people are going to flamboyant extremes to become relevant.
However, you are far more effective when your creativity is the star. People care most about things that directly affect them. If you become a quiet problem solver, you have longevity within your profession and can sidestep personality-driven criticism.
You can detach who you are from what you produce. If someone doesn’t like your blog, book, or movie, they are deciding how well your creativity meets their needs compared to what they perceive you to be. They can’t judge you. They can only evaluate your work.
Lead with your body of work.
Be aware of the self-interest of people.
An adage in politics says, “There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies, only permanent interests.”
There is no such thing as unconditional love. All relationships in life have conditions based on the parties interests. As soon as the conditions that created or sustained the relationship change, the relationship ceases to exist reciprocally.
Human nature is selfish and is only interested in meeting its needs and preserving itself.
If you approach every situation with this in mind, you are less likely to be caught off guard when behavior patterns become broken.
Value the power of education.
Whether you are self-taught or have attended college and beyond, the ability to have a wide range of knowledge and critical thinking skills determines how far you go in life.
Information accumulation, evaluation, and synthesis allow for superior decision-making and productivity.
Educated INTJs can prosper and thrive despite economic conditions. Information is a raw material used to create products and services that solve compelling problems. INTJs who are educated can figure out the pieces to life’s puzzle.
Money is a resource to build and exploit opportunities.
Although society relishes the notion of conspicuous consumption, money is a resource to develop and use opportunities for happiness. Happiness is derived from self-fulfillment through the building and creative process.
Countless wealthy individuals enjoy the ability to participate in a craft that they love even though they don’t have to work another day in their life.
They love the process of building a structure from pure imagination.
Most ventures need monetary resources for a possible chance at success.
Money provides the freedom and independence to create at will.
Relationships are intellectual and pipelines to self-actualization.
People are pipelines to becoming all that you desire to achieve. Pundits consistently proclaim that you are the sum of those you associate with.
Yes, you are what you attract, but you are also what you choose.
People are also raw materials and should be mutually beneficial for all parties to build things that benefit society and themselves.
If relationships are not intended connections for short or long-term success, people become mere collector’s items, only depreciating in value.
Physical fitness and diet make it all work.
Regular exercise, proper diet, and education work hand in hand for long-term success. The habits you form in your youth are often carried throughout your life. And how you’ve treated your body and mind determines the quality of your life.
Whether motivated by health or vanity, embrace an all-inclusive lifestyle early to reap the rewards and benefits later in life.
You will be glad that you did.
An INTJ is hardwired to achieve the most out of life with their penchant for intellectualism and self-improvement. However, they are not devoid of the challenges and traps that all humans are faced with.
Life can be grand if younger INTJs can create processes and systems that prevent the pain and degradation of unpreparedness.
Happiness is the result of investing in yourself early.
—Joan R. Lindstrom

What are best practices, and why are they important? (2017, March 27). That! Company. Retrieved from: