All Introverts are not created alike.
Merely because introverts are characterized as quiet and inwardly driven does not mean they create or manifest outcomes similarly.
Place an analytical introvert in the same room as an artistic introvert; they can be as different as extroverts.
There would be some introverted similarities, but ultimately, they would be members of different tribes.
Suppose you have discovered that you are hardwired to create and pursue intellectual initiatives. In that case, you might be a strategic thinking introvert.
The American Academy of Advanced Thinking defines Strategic Thinking as “The mental process of positioning oneself to achieve an objective.”
Wikipedia defines Strategic Thinking as “A mental or thinking process applied by an individual in the context of achieving a goal or set of goals in a game or other endeavor.”
Within Wikipedia’s definition, Henry Mintzberg is credited for suggesting that strategic thinking is more about synthesis (i.e., “connecting the dots”) than analysis (i.e., “finding the dots”) (para. 8).
The American Academy of Advanced Thinking describes strategic thinking introverts as INTJ, ISTJ, and INTP personality types or Strategists, primarily because of their propensity toward intellectual pursuits.
Out of the eight introversion categories within the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), AAAT determined that INTJs, ISTJs, and INTPs are the personality types most apt to leverage their intellect to gain power and influence.
To further illuminate their desire to gain power and influence, strategic thinking introverts do not necessarily want wealth and fame.
Gaining power and influence is their way of making things right in the world.
They are hypersensitive and possess a highly evolved moral compass.
They are the ones who have constructed personal constitutions and philosophies by which they live.

In their minds, without their efforts, the world would go to Hades in a handbasket.
Also, suppose their hard-fought ideas, perspectives, and contributions are not appreciated. In that case, the world could burn for all they would care.
Their mantra is, “I told you, so you knew.” Now live with the consequences.
Strategic thinking introverts are harsh and extreme in their intellectual rigor.
Others are expected to live up to the high standards that strategic thinking introverts place upon themselves.
And forget about them meeting you emotionally and psychologically where you are.
They are not coming down to your level; you must come up to theirs.
Elitist? Yes. But they invested time and energy to become comfortable with their intellectual prowess over a lifetime.
Essentially, they should reap the rewards since they put in the work. And they won’t be shortchanged.
Strategic introverts are not merely readers but applied researchers.
Strategic thinking introverts are consistently plotting and planning to solve compelling problems. The following list is seven signs that you may be a strategic thinking introvert:
The solutions cannot be “Pie in the sky” results but must be practical and pliable. If no case study or anecdotal evidence suggests that the solution works, these introverts will dismiss it.
Identify as self-proclaimed social scientists.
As applied researchers and observers, the world is an ongoing social experiment.
Life is one big social experiment. Consequently, strategic thinking introverts are consistently observing human behavior in different settings. It would not be unusual to see these introverts sitting in a mall watching individuals in their natural habitat while licking an ice cream cone.
Documentation means everything.
If it isn’t documented, it doesn’t exist. These introverts know the power of intellectual property. They create blogs, books, podcasts, and videos to qualify their insights. In this sense, they do less talking and more doing. Every citation should have three credible sources and come from websites that are not commercially driven, like educational, nonprofit, and governmental agencies.
Minor actions must be systematic and organized.
They are the closest to fictional cyborgs because they need to intellectualize rather than emotionalize their actions. They tend to wear the same clothes repeatedly in the same colors based on comfort and consistency. They create systems inside existing systems to improve and discover ways of making a process their own.
Relationships are intellectual pursuits that fit into a coordinated objective.
Strategic thinking introverts view relationships as extensions of their intellectual DNA.
The value of relationships is proportionate to a specific outcome over a long period. In this regard, people are used as conduits to an objective. The union is a conceptualization of building something more significant than what the participants could produce individually.
They have a relentless pursuit of intellectual prowess and integrity.
Strategic thinking introverts would rarely plagiarize or have a report, thesis, or dissertation ghostwritten. They couldn’t admire anything that isn’t earned, honestly. For them, there is joy in self-mastery.
They get mad, and they get even.
Strategic thinking introverts are extraordinarily private and stay to themselves. In conversations, they are inquisitive and ask questions to get better acquainted and maintain their ongoing social experiment.
Consequently, when an aggressor targets them, they exaggerate the transgression. An internal rage may not be seen with the naked eye but exists in a turbulent form.
These introverts will use draconian and ruthless measures for retribution.
In their minds, it is disrespectful and ungracious to be preyed upon when they bring so much value to the world.
Highly evolved strategic thinking introverts will not take transgressions lightly.
Strategic thinking introverts are ready and prepared to meet the challenge as the world becomes more complex and competitive for new and innovative ideas.
This breed of introverts will consistently turn their research, reading, and solitude into practical, solution-based intellectual property.
Strategic thinking introverts strive consistently to remake the world in their image.
Are you one of them?
—Edward S. Brown
Related: The Secret Lives of Strategic Thinking Introverts

Strategic thinking (n.d.) Wikipedia. Retrieved from: