It has been said that every upside in life has a downside. And personality types are no different.
There is a decadent, nefarious side to every positive, glowing attribute of a personality. And ISTJs are no different.
Introversion, sensing, thinking, judging, or ISTJ for short, is a 4-letter acronym representing one of the sixteen personality types on the MBTI or Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator. If you fall into this classification, you will likely be quiet, practical, and reserved. ISTJs enjoy organization and order in all parts of their lives.
People who fall into this personality type value loyalty and emphasize customs and traditions.
The Benefits of Being an ISTJ
ISTJs are:
Planners: ISTJs want to plan things accordingly and ahead of time. They also enjoy an orderly life, love things to be systematic and organized, and pay close attention to small details.
When in disarray, ISTJs find themselves incapable of resting until everything is in order and the task has been completed.
Realistic and Responsible: ISTJs embrace sound and logical ways of reaching their goals and completing tasks that establish a sense of stability. They are often described as trustworthy and dependable. Also, they are not easily distracted once they take on a project.
Laws, Customs, and Traditions Oriented: ISTJs follow the rules and regulations as a logical basis for streaming organizational processes. ISTJs don’t believe in “bucking the system” and are unwilling to yield to exceptions to rules merely for convenience.
They are the strongest proponent of maintaining the status quo.
The Bad Characteristics of ISTJ Personality Type
Despite the many good traits of ISTJs, some traits can be perceived as unfavorable. Some of these traits include:
û Obstinate: ISTJs are likely to resist criticism about their performance. Because their self-identity is tied to achievement, any feedback that feels like an attack will be rebuked. However, ISTJs don’t mind constructive criticism. To be accepted, the complaint has to come from a good place. Otherwise, they will become defensive and justify the objection with their sharp intellect. However, they are not unreasonably intractable and will find a way for self-improvement without tearing down their self-esteem. Additionally, holding their ground is a sign of fortitude and integrity. As analytical thinkers and evaluators, ISTJs will change direction if a more exceptional case is made for modification.
û Insensitive: ISTJs can be indifferent, which could lead to hurting others’ feelings. They embrace the notion that “honesty is the best policy.” This personality considers emotions but favors logic. If you don’t want the truth, don’t ask an ISTJ. The information they provide is enlightening and illuminating, and you are expected to follow through on ISTJ’s recommendations if you ask them.

û Reluctant: ISTJs think that all things work with well-defined rules. On the other hand, this makes them averse and hesitant to change their practices or try new things. In a society that “flip flops” on ideas and perspectives, ISTJs remain steadfast and resolute on traditionally proven sound precepts. If you need a crusader for a cause, ISTJs are the best for carrying out missions. But, don’t let the reason be the “Flavor of the Month” because it will be rejected. History is replete with facts, and ISTJs rely on facts as their oxygen because everything else is whimsical and capricious.
û Judgmental: Views are views, and reality is reality. ISTJs are “truth seekers” and constantly evaluate the information for its credibility and validity. This trait can be unfavorable because it forces the other party to use verifiable resources to justify a position. Average individuals are hard-wired to take the road of least resistance. Consequently, critiquing another’s work may be off-putting.
û Guilt: ISTJs take their dedication to work, family, and life seriously. Also, they work hard to organize their thoughts to make intelligent decisions. And when things don’t go according to plan, they may blame and beat themselves up. ISTJs have difficulty accepting that sometimes life is challenging and goes contrary to a well-thought-out plan. Although this could be a source of stress and anxiety for INTJs, they have an uncanny way of figuring things out as problem solvers. They may get down, but never out of the game of life.
Often, ISTJs wish to exert power over the outside world and make it match their inner sanctum, personal constitution, or moral code. They are warriors and delineate progressive versus regressive actions. If you have bad intentions, ISTJs are known to wreak havoc on dissenters.
ISTJs live in a “black and white” world. There is a minimal gray area in their reality. Gray areas are viewed as vistas where mediocrity and lethargy live. Also, gray areas are emotional lots where people justify unaccountability and irresponsibility, which are a bane to ISTJs’ sensibilities. The perceived negative aspects of ISTJ personality types might be more of a reflection of a substandard society rather than any wickedness on an ISTJ’s part.
To repeat, every personality type has an upside and downside to it. ISTJs are known for creating and supporting systems that help perpetuate organizational development. Because ISTJs are introverts, there may be a mistaken belief that they are pushovers.
However, the resolution of ISTJs to maintain processes and procedures may make them extreme forces to be reckoned with. Philosopher and political strategist Niccolò Machiavelli suggested that individuals should make decisions that align with the requirements of the situation.
Such actions should be unemotional and amoral. In other words, feelings and partiality have no legitimate role in the decision-making process regarding practical problem-solving.
The ISTJs mind implores the responsibility of the individual to behave right. Without an expectation and standards placed on individuals, only chaos can ensue.
ISTJs know this too well and may be scorned and hated for it.
—Anne Christie

16Personalities (n.d.). Logistician personality. NERIS Analytics Limited. Retrieved from:
Miller, K. (n.d.). 6 ISTJ strengths and weaknesses. Future of Working. Retrieved from:
Storm, S. (2017, July 31). The evil versions of every Myers-Briggs personality type. Psychology Junkie. Retrieved from: