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21 Spectacular Benefits of Being an Introverted Extrovert

Contrary to popular belief, we are not entirely introverted or extroverted.

Within any situation, we are called to respond based on the necessity of the circumstances, which may draw from our introverted or extroverted sides.

And if you think about it, this makes sense.

The baseline of our personality could be inwardly or outwardly driven, but it does not require an all-or-nothing proposition.

After all, how could people survive if they responded in oppositional ways to their self-interest and self-preservation?

We can use the best practices of introversion and extroversion to our benefit.

Political strategist Niccolò Machiavelli suggested that individuals should do whatever is necessary and most effective for optimal results.

Taking Machiavelli’s lead, the 21 spectacular benefits of being an introverted extrovert are:

1. Attitude

On the surface, self-confidence and arrogance can look similar. The significant difference between the two is that self-confidence is built through overcoming insecurities. Arrogance is a sign of existing insecurities being covered up. Introverted extroverts use self-confidence and an engaging attitude to influence and persuade others.

2. Balance

As humans, we are art and science combined. Art is unique self-expression, whereas science is biological hardwiring. Introverted extroverts have the proper balance for building a prosperous life as they become comfortable in their creativity.

3. Communication

To speak sparingly and measurably allows for strategic communications. Being verbose is draining and often exhausts everyone involved with limited benefits. Introverted extroverts listen to learn, consistently putting an educational spin on communication.

4. Creativity

Introverted extroverts desire power and influence just as extroverts. These introverts merely have a greater need to influence the betterment of society quietly. The need to solve compelling problems and transform culture is one of the introverts’ superpowers.

5. Discriminating

By choosing the members of your inner circle based on value, you reserve your energy for meeting goals that serve your interest. Mere people collecting is antithetical to exponentially growing your success because it distorts focused energy. Introverted extroverts focus and direct their energy to hit their target. 

6. Ego

A healthy ego goes a long way towards a positive self-image. In a cosmetically driven society, effective image management has often been overlooked in the quest for attention at any cost. Embracing the benefits of a healthy ego encourages introverted extroverts to look and act their best.

7. Extraordinary

Marketer Seth Godin discusses the importance of creating remarkable work in today’s marketplace. Introverted extroverts who combine superior introspection with practical observation skills can make futuristic products and services that the public never knew it needed. Fulfilling unrealized aspirations is the key to the future.

8. Flexibility

By rising above the crowd’s clamor, introverted extroverts can see all sides of an issue, allowing them to develop the best solutions to problems. Rigidity prevents creativity and the ability to pivot when situations call for it.

9. Focus

Being single-minded in achieving tasks reaps more significant benefits than random multitasking. Introverted extroverts have a laser beam focus on manifesting ideas in a complex and chaotic society.

10. Freedom

Our moods change daily. Introverted extroverts may need to interact and socialize more times than others. Assessing their current attitude provides a sense of direction. Freedom is the ability to do what you want when you feel like it.

11. Health

As many people explore the latest dietary fads for losing weight, Introverted extroverts stick to a balanced diet and exercise basics. The fit lifestyle is self-evident without the need for public broadcast. They are content with their fitness goals at home or at a commercial gym.

12. Independence

By setting a plan, you can live life on your terms without the limitations of self-imposed boundaries. Ambitious introverted extroverts use their insights and ideas to create intellectual property that promotes self-determination.

13. Innovative

In his book, “The Art of What Works: How Success Really Happens,” Professor William Duggan postulated that whatever was successful in the past can be successful in the future with some modifications. As pattern seekers, introverted extroverts can reimagine an old idea for contemporary use.

14. Professional

By dealing with people transactionally, the inclination for over-familiarity does not creep in. Unfortunately, the more comfortable people feel around you, the more obnoxious they can become. Introverted extroverts exhibit a level of formality that creates a degree of separation and detachment.

15. Progress

One of the best ways of measuring advancements is through comparisons. This comparison can be with your past self or someone you knew when you were on the same level. If you have advanced your thinking, you feel the difference, and the results show. Introverted extroverts are in a constant competition known only to them.

16. Resilient

Because many introverted extroverts live in their heads and can be strategic when dealing with others, they possess the ability to be a few steps ahead of everyone, which works well to ward off disappointment and miscalculations. These introverts can bounce back from any setback or disappointment in a society with an overwhelming number of prickly personalities.

17. Savvy

Introverted extroverts often play the long game in life. They know how to assess and evaluate an environment and its people. Typically, they don’t “pop off” or act irrational, particularly in volatile situations. Their hypersensitivity keeps them tuned to nonverbal cues, allowing them to respond appropriately in sensitive cases.

18. Selectivity

Go or don’t go? In deciding the benefits of attending a social event, introverted extroverts determine their motivation for attending. As a speaker and author, Simon Sinek suggests that we identify the “why” for attending. An evaluation process makes emotional and logical sense.

19. Strategy

It has been said that you don’t get out of life what you deserve; you get out of life what you command. The ability to maneuver through complex situations like a master chess player is one of many introverted extroverts’ best skills. It has often been suggested to act with the end in mind and work backward.

20. Strength

Expanding your intellectual prowess through curiosity with long bouts of solitude allows greater vigor when challenged with debates or academic exchanges in schools or professional development forums. Introverted extroverts can defend a point of view while sharing it.

21. Vanity

Vanity helps introverted extroverts stay connected to the realities of the world. Today, it is not enough to merely be smart. You must be the best physical representation of yourself. By leveraging your intangible assets, you cover all the bases in the game of life.

Introverted extroverts must use every aspect of their drive and personality to achieve optimal results.

In a complex and competitive world, there are no points for playing it “small.”

The saying, “Go big or go home,” has never been more accurate.

For introverted extroverts playing at the highest level is the ultimate for self-actualizing.

—Joan R. Lindstrom

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